Saturday, July 16, 2005

Interesting reading

Well, I am exceedingly tired but have to write a few lines. Denver was fabulous, except that I came back really hating where I am. I know that to get to any "next" place you have to love and accept the NOW place that you are, but sometimes it is so hard. Not that I want to be in Denver. Now that my Kayeleigh is leaving - even before she was actually gone - it feels kind of empty to me. Listening to her talk about her passion (the Moche) and about her upcoming work in grad school made me feel achingly good for her and also kind of bad about my own, lackluster approach to my passions.
I want to be that, do that, have that sparkle that "in love with" attitude about my passions again - I am sure I had it once. Now I feel under educated, less than knowledgable and kind of like I have been just plain lazy.
Teachers are all around us...

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