It really is amazing, the little things that seem to ruin or make a day. Bre has been having trouble with waking up early and it is starting to have an effect on me, too. So I was going to say how exhausted I am, but I am totally planning to do at least two hours of work before sleeping, so it seems silly to complain now.
The thing is, I am working these afternoon - evening hours, so I really need to get up later, do my workout later, that kind of thing, so that I am not exhausted at 8 pm. I do have appointments that go to 10 sometimes. Well, I do for now, anyway. It seems my job may be in jeopardy - again.
I know that I am attracting this somehow (I would like to blame it on Minnesotans, but since I moved here of my own free will, damnit, I cannot blame them altogether) but I cannot figure out how.
I know I have the old not worthy button, but I have always had that, as far as I can remember. Ok, maybe not ALWAYS but for a long time. And I have done well for myself in the world of work previous to this recent series of events. What is it?
I tried to relate it to the accident, that was a major event in my life, after all. But I did fine the first few years (hmmmmm, not the very first year, but all the others) until last year...
Then I considered the idea that I was compensating (or decompensating?) for my very good relationship with Bre - in the past, I had pretty much everything together execpt relationship stuff, now somehow I decided that my relationship is great, everything else needs to fail. But that doesn't seem right either.
What else have I considered...Oh, I considered not wanting to do too well so to emphasize Bre's importance...Yeah, I ditched that one pretty quick too.
Ok, work first, fret later.