Sunday, September 04, 2005

Last one for tonight

Jerry: If you were a "burning bush" ...and I would like some guidance for my people, do you have "10 commandments" that you would offer?

Abraham: We have 10 good ideas. We would not command anyone to do anything.... we would offer...that which we have found to be a very good way of life.... So a commandment is what NOT to do. Rather than telling you what NOT to do, we will tell you what we do.

  • Seek joy --- first and foremost.

  • Seek reasons to laugh.

  • See reasons to offer words of praise --- to self and others.

  • See beauty in nature, beasts and other humans.

  • Seek reasons to love. In every segment of every day --- look for something that brings forth within you a feeling of love.

  • Seek that which uplifts you.

  • Seek opportunity to offer that which uplifts another.

  • Seek a feeling of Well-being.

  • Know that your value can only be measured in terms of joy.

  • Acknowledge your absolute freedom to do any of these things or to not do any of these things --- for it is, without exception your choice in every moment of every day.

That is the recipe for eternal joy. And it will provide a format for a life of dramatic, magnificent creating also. That feels like the "bottom line" to you: "How much success, or how much much value can I offer here and now?" And we are wanting you to understand is that your value can only be measured in terms of joy.

Abraham-Hicks, A New Beginning II by Jerry and Ester Hicks, pp. 217-218.

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