Thursday, April 14, 2005

Wed night choir

Went well, it was fun and I always feel good afterwards. I went to Bre's and the kids were both up, we had a lovely chat...I do miss them when they are not around, even with all this recent craziness. I volunteered to do some flyers for choir...not like I am doing much around here.
Anyway, while I was waiting for Bre I was reading Kitchen Table Wisdom (Rachel Naomi Remen) and I came across some lovely passages. I really enjoy her work...listen to this quote:

Fear is the friction in all transitions.

Isn't that great? I love that line.

I am feeling better today. I sent off a loooong email to Bre yesterday but he was out of his "cube" so didn't get it till today. He understood what I was talking about and we are going to talk more...
Ok, I am being compelled to space is tooooooo crowded with junk. More later.

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