Sunday, September 04, 2005

Forgot how much I love Abraham!

You've got to be a vibrational match to your own desire and when you feel
good you are and when you feel bad you don't.

So if your desire scares you, you're not a match.
If you feel guilty for not having achieved it, you're not a match.
If you feel jealous that somebody else has, you're not a match.
If you feel disappointed that it is taking too long, you're not a match.

If you feel eager about it unfolding, you're a match.
If you feel encouraged, optimistic, satisfied, you're a match.
So virtual reality is the game where you don't think about what you want
that hasn't happened. Instead you think about anything that you can find to
think about that feels good when you think about it, understanding that you
don't have to think about what you want in order to let it come. That's the
biggest thing that you will ever hear from us.

You do not have to be fixated upon the subject of your desire in order to
allow it in. You just cannot be fixated upon the absence of that desire and
let it come in.

Abraham-Hicks Dallas, TX 11/2/02A

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