Monday, October 09, 2006

Weekend, World of Warcraft

Well, the weekend went well. Eric got Beng and I to watch the season's premier of South Park (although I don't think either of us knew it was the season premier) which was called something like, South Park saves the World of Warcraft. For those of you who don't know, Eric has been playing WoW for a long time now, and is pretty much addicted. At any rate, he then proceeded to explain details of the game to us and yes, Beng created his own character, ShadowSwede and completed his first quest. I played a few minutes too. We have been toying with the idea of playing with Eric, forming our own little group, as it were. It might be fun. I am not a big fan of killing things, so I imagine my character will not "level" too quickly, but I like the quest stuff, finding things and all that. Maybe I will just tell myself I am "defeating" them, that they are just "Inevitable Consequence of Progress" ala Johnny Clegg. Or maybe I won't play at all. It is amazing how much more time we spent together, though, as a result of this game.
There was a minor meltdown when Eric realized I was loading the game on my computer so that I could play and not so that he could. Ah, well, he is figuring things out.
No news from Laura in some time now.

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