Thursday, August 18, 2005


Goals are good...I like having there are.

Meditate twice a day - whenever

Sleep...need a goal about sleep...I was doing very well at getting my 8 hours...I have never slept 8 hours a night, even as a kid I woke up early and tried to stay up till everyone was in bed...anyway I tried it out and was kind of getting into it...I was getting up and going back to sleep when Bre was there, but it was working...I am kind of going on and on here...

You know, I was reading my wise womyn friend's blog entries and I was so inspired, I wanted to write something that might inspire someone...but I see this is not the time...

Moving my body...formally and informally...running, lifting, dancing. Do you know how long it has been since I went dancing?! Way too long. A few months, at least. Maybe Friday.

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