Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Mother's day

We got up slowly again, that is so nice. Bre went out and got the paper. He attempted to finish cutting the grass. I thought he was doing that so spent some time in front of the computer - sent some emails and such - but when I went outside it turned out he couldn't get the mower started.
I also called Mommy while he was outside. She was doing fine, had had a good day with Grace and Daddy and also the Lockards were there (at lunch). She told me a story about Beaver and Wally (yes, that Beaver and Wally) and how Wally's girlfriend wanted an orchid. I love my Mommy.
He finished putting the string in the boxes (to mark off the squares) and put up the climbing part. I got all the plants in the ground - even the sunflowers.
We put lime under the pines out front and also put out the seed for wild flowers and clover. I hope it takes. I cooked out while Bre was raking pine cones. I am still working on my veggie techniques. There were some burned green beans tonight.
Tonight we watched People I Know. Very sad. I had to watch some soap opera after to cleanse the pallette before sleeping!

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