Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Wed night choir

So, went shopping for the big birthday party...I got enough goodies for 5 parties. I got kind of carried away, I guess. It was fun, though.
Then I went down to choir (dropped off the dog first and chatted a bit with the kids). We had a folding party, just like Beng does at the Men's Center. Except this was kind of disorganized. I don't know if they did that before or if they put out only a few so they have to figure it out every time. I know I am kind of anal about the whole "let's do this efficiently" thing...but still. Anyway, it went fine, they don't have that many so it was ok in the end.
While we were folding and stuffing I was talking (well, they were talking and I just jumped in) about therapy stuff and it turns out that one of the womyn is a therapist and I was telling her about the big job hunt and Nystrom (she raised an eyebrow) and she suggested I call Fraser - that they have a preschool mental health unit and it is a rule 29 place.
Beng and I talked and did a crossword till nearly midnight then I came home.

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